Thursday, March 29, 2012


Challenging the Status Quo


The global economic recovery continues at uneven speeds, with continued growth in developing nations and lingering difficulties in high-income countries. The scarcity of public resources at every level is accelerating a downward and outward transfer of duties, while at the same time the growing number of challenges that are global in nature require an upward and outward push. These trends can strengthen or weaken the ties that bind—the common understanding and allocation of responsibility that we call the social contract. The social change landscape is more fluid, diverse and global than ever before and so are the opportunities for positive change. New actors are proposing solutions that allow us to overcome the obstacles of rising political polarization, siloed approaches and more. The youngest among them, “NextGen,” are asking questions and driving initiatives that are challenging the status quo.
Conferees will consider the evolving social contract in fast-growing economies like India, China and Brazil; countries emerging from political crisis, like Egypt; countries like the US, in which political polarization can overwhelm efforts to solve problems together; and finally, countries that are facing collapse. We will be introduced to individuals, organizations and governments redefining traditional roles and responsibilities, creatively employing existing and new resources, and renewing commitments to accountability, transparency and equity. Ingenious solutions, promising innovations and ordinary people making an extraordinary difference around the world are reinventing the public square and creating a new climate in which we can address shared challenges effectively—and together.

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