Wednesday, February 15, 2012


(source: Namibia cardboard box travel shop)
I always smile whenever i look at my beautful country's map. Do you want to know why?
Namibia is a country in south western Africa. On it's southern border is South Africa, to the east is Botswana & in the north Angola, other neighbouring countries include Zimbabwe & Zambia. Since independence in 1991 Namibia has become a major African tourist destination - popular due to it's vast distances and tiny populations. Travelers enjoy the desert vistas of the Namib Desert and some of the best game viewing in the world at Etosha National Park. If you 're not a Namibian, suggest you should come visit my beautful country.


  1. I will alwys love this counrty , i love its nature

  2. Thanks for the great post. When I come out around May I hope to see a little more of Namibia. Keep posting more about your beautiful country and its beautiful people :)
